What Is a Deferred Sales Trust and How Can It Help with Real Estate Capital Gains Tax Strategies

When selling highly appreciated assets like real estate or businesses, we understand the challenge of managing significant capital gains taxes. At times, this tax burden can cause hesitation when considering a sale. However, with the Deferred Sales Trust, we offer a solution that may help reduce or defer these taxes over time, making it easier for property owners and business owners to make informed decisions about their sales.

A Deferred Sales Trust is a financial tool that allows individuals to sell their assets, such as a business or commercial property, without immediately paying the capital gains taxes that typically come with such a sale. This strategy is particularly beneficial for real estate investors or business owners who wish to sell but avoid the burden of paying taxes at the time of the transaction.

How Does a Deferred Sales Trust Work?

The process begins when an entrepreneur or real estate investor sells his property or business to a third-party trust. After that, the trust will sell the property to a buyer. The difference here is that it is the trust that assumes the responsibility of the sale and not the seller. This means the seller does not pay any immediate capital gains taxes on the sale.

Rather than taking cash for the sale, the seller receives an installment contract. This installment contract agrees to make payments to the seller over some amount of time. Because the trust holds title during the sale, no taxes become payable upon the transaction. They are deferred until such time as the seller takes receipt of their installment payments.

Benefits of the Deferred Sales Trust

One of the major benefits that come with using a Deferred Sales Trust is the ability to defer capital gains taxes for an extended period. While in a direct sale, the taxes are due immediately; this approach allows sellers to manage their tax liability more effectively by spreading out the tax burden.

This method also allows the seller to avoid the financial strain of one large, lump-sum tax payment. Besides, the installment contract is very flexible, offering the seller flexibility in when the payments are coming in and, importantly, according to their specific needs.

When to Consider a Deferred Sales Trust?

A real estate capital gains deferral sales trust is a great option for those individuals that do not want to do a like-kind property exchange, which in industry and real estate is very common to defer any taxes. It is also ideal for those ready to sell their property but who no longer wish to manage the property or business.

This tax deferral strategy is especially valuable to business owners who wish to retire and no longer be involved in the day-to-day operations of their business but who also seek to avoid significant tax liabilities that might arise from the sale of their business.

Flexible Payments The payment structure in the Deferred Sales Trust is flexible. For example, the seller can choose the installment period, which means that taxes are paid only on what is received within a given year. This flexibility can be especially useful for sellers with other sources of income who do not need all of the funds from the sale immediately. This allows the seller to spread the tax burden by paying taxes in proportion to the installments received over time. Consequently, this provides more control over the tax situation and simplifies financial planning.


The Deferred Sales Trust offers an effective strategy for individuals looking to sell highly appreciated assets, such as real estate or businesses, without the immediate capital gains tax burden. This strategy allows taxes to be deferred over time, offering flexibility in managing payments and potentially retaining more funds by spreading out the tax liability. When considering the sale of property or business, exploring the Deferred Sales Trust as part of the tax strategy could provide significant advantages.

For individuals interested in how a Deferred Sales Trust could benefit their unique situation, it is advisable to consult with a financial advisor familiar with tax deferral strategies to ensure the best possible outcome.

To learn more about the deferred sales solution, visit the website now!